Novel Linearly Polarized Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna Design in C-Band Frequency for Satellite Communications



Microstrip Patch Antenna, Linear Polarization, C-Band Frequency, Communications


The design of a novel linearly polarized microstrip circular patch antenna in C-Band frequency is presented in this research. The circular patch with truncate square and feeding technique in stripline is adopted in this antenna design. The total size of antenna is 40mm x 40mm. This study has obtained design of novel linearly polarized microstrip circular patch antenna with more optimal characteristics parametric in its application in communications especially in C-Band frequency. The result indicate that the antenna characteristics parametric showed byVoltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR≤2) of the proposed antenna is1.06, bandwidth is 740.0MHz (5.18GHz–5.92GHz), reflection coefficient is 0.03and return loss is -30.69dB respectively. The antenna has achieved a stable radiation performance with a maximum gain of 7.46dB in C-Band operating frequency. Novel linearly polarized microstrip circular patch antenna with 50 Ohm impedance and easy integration are making this model suitable forC-Band frequency (4GHz-8GHz) satellite communication applications.Details of the proposed antenna design and results are presented and discussed.




How to Cite

Putu Artawan. (2024). Novel Linearly Polarized Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna Design in C-Band Frequency for Satellite Communications. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (JoCAAA), 33(05), 691–699. Retrieved from


