Enhancing Mathematics Learning through Self-Directed Pedagogy: Strategies and Evaluation Techniques for Effective Student Engagement


  • Maheshwor Pokhrel Prithvi Narayan Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Lekhnath Sharma Central Department of Mathematics Education, Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal.
  • Tribhuvan Sharma Prithvi Narayan Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Madhav Prasad Poudel School of Engineering, Pokhara University, Pokhara, Nepal
  • Laxmi G. C. Sanothimi Campus, Tribhuvan University, Bhaktapur, Nepal


Mathematics Education, Student Evaluation, Learning Strategy, Self-Directed Pedagogy


Mathematics is taken as a challenging subject. It is the major concern of education all over the world. It is abstract by nature and its study necessitates engaged learning with tenacity, discipline, and persistence in learning.  In context of Nepal, school math students are facing problems in comprehending, examining, and generalizing the mathematical situation. These conditions are not considered in teaching of mathematics at present. So this study attempts to explore learning strategy and student's evaluation in self-directed learning pedagogy in mathematics teaching with its objective to introduce learning strategy and student's evaluation in self-directed learning pedagogy. To meet the objective SDL pedagogy is analyzed in terms of engaged learning with self-motivation, self-monitoring and self-management for metacognitive skills.This is obtained by using document analysis design through teaching learning strategy such as inquiry based learning, project base learning, flipped classroom strategy, collaborative strategy, reflective and KWL strategy, goal setting & self-assessment strategy, problem base strategy, think pair shared strategy, reciprocal strategy, Socratic questioning strategy and brain storming strategy. Each teaching strategy mentioned above supports Self-Directed Learning (SDL) by fostering autonomy, critical thinking, self-management self-motivation andself-monitoring. Through this research, it is found that these strategiesem power students to ask questions and seek answers independently, with evaluations focusing on their-self assessment, rubric,portfolio,meta cognitive skills and critical abilities.




How to Cite

Maheshwor Pokhrel, Lekhnath Sharma, Tribhuvan Sharma, Madhav Prasad Poudel, & Laxmi G. C. (2024). Enhancing Mathematics Learning through Self-Directed Pedagogy: Strategies and Evaluation Techniques for Effective Student Engagement. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (JoCAAA), 33(08), 841–854. Retrieved from https://eudoxuspress.com/index.php/pub/article/view/1471


